The Proposed Land Use Plan is the RIGHT Plan!
- 43 Years of smart land use plans have resulted in Charles County becoming the 3rd wealthiest
county in Maryland
- The Proposed Land Use Plan (PLUP) continues the policy directing 75% of future growth throughout the development district and not just Waldorf.
- The PLUP continues the preservation of rural land. Using existing programs that compensate land owners for development rights, we have preserved 53% of rural land in the county. Continuation of these same plans will result in 75% of rural land ultimately being preserved, protecting our rural heritage.
- The PLUP offers a comprehensive transportation plan that includes roads, park & ride lots, bus service, and a reasonable plan for a future rail system. It also includes with a much needed Cross-County Connector road, a move supported by 69% of Charles County residents.
- This Proposed Land Use Plan also requests county commissioners determine a plan for constructing infrastructure needed to attract new companies to Charles County, providing jobs and opportunities.
- The plan adopted by the Planning Commissioner’s preserves property values, creates new jobs, and protects the rural heritage of Charles County.