We had a great turnout two weeks ago at the public hearing on the draft 2013 Comprehensive Plan. We did a great job of letting the County Commissioners know where Charles County really stands on the future of our county. Thank you for coming and speaking.
But we’re not done yet. If you could take a few minutes out of your day and send an email to the Commissioners, it would make a world of difference.
The email doesn’t have to be long. Here’s all you need to say:
Commissioners Collins, Davis, Kelly, Robinson, and Rucci:
I live, work, and vote in Charles County and I support the proposed Comprehensive Plan sent to you by the Planning Commission.
That’s all it needs to say. Feel free to add more if you would like. And here are the Commissioners email addresses:
- Commissioner Collins: [email protected]
- Commissioner Davis: [email protected]
- Commissioner Kelly: [email protected]
- Commissioner Robinson: [email protected]
- Commissioner Rucci: [email protected]
Thanks again for your support!